Keep your bank account hacked like this, follow these tips

Keep your bank account hacked like this, follow these tips

Internet access in India is happening in almost every city and village today. As a result, more and more people are joining the Internet. With the help of smartphones, users are able to use the internet easily. However, if the user is not alert, he may be victim of fishing, healing and offline firing. Many people may have to pay their money too. In order to get rid of cyber-related issues, government institutions such as cyber-child departments and banks send emails to protect the user's financial statements, which contain information about how to avoid cyber attacks. If you are not looking at these e-mails, here we are telling you how to avoid cyber-training like phishing and haling. But first of all, we know what is phishing after all.

Learn what is phishing?

Under phishing, hackers send fake e-mails to users by making a fake id of any company or government person.) It is the hackers' attempt to share their password and credit or debit card details with them. Hackers in India do fraud in two ways through first e-mail and another via SMS.

First way:

Hackers create feck websites like government and bank. Then e-mails users, which says that if the user does not renew his card, he will be closed. In this case, a list is given in the mail, as soon as the user clicks on it, the user reaches the website. After this, the user is asked to download the anti-virus drug given in the Vernonop-up message, which is basically a malware. As soon as the user downloads that malware, the hacker gets the accessories of his computer and he remotely scans your computer. This allows hackers to throw off the user's financial data such as bank account, debit / credit card and personal photos. They have been sold. Also the money is sought from the user to return them.

Note: Keep in mind that no bank or IT official is asking for your ambition and credit card details on official SMS, email and phone calls.
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